Hadjo’s Dreams

In Niger, 61% of adolescents (15 – 19 yrs) are married and almost a third of women currently 20 – 24 yrs were married before the age of 15. The high prevalence of child marriage is directly linked to Niger’s high rates of adolescent pregnancy. 40.4% of adolescents (15 – 19) have already given birth and 25% of maternal deaths are among adolescents.

“Hadjo’s Dreams” is a new film created by E2A and produced by Nigerien film company B@k Techno, which aims to spark reflection, dialogue and action at the community level to prevent child marriage and improve the sexual and reproductive health of adolescent girls. Produced within the context of E2A’s University Leaders for Change project in Niger, “Hadjo’s Dreams” is the third in a suite of three behavior change films. The script was developed through qualitative data collection in various rural communities in Niger using Pathfinders’ Pathways to Change methodology. The film is being used as part of Pathfinder’s comprehensive behavior change approach, Reflection and Action for Change methodology (REACH), to encourage community members to reflect on how they can contribute to overcoming barriers so as to end child marriage and ensure the health and well-being of adolescent girls.

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