Dear 2020 OP Annual Meeting participants, we are excited to announce that the OPCU is organizing a « poster session » during this year’s meeting to be held virtually from December 15-17.
We hope this will be an opportunity to showcase the brilliant contribution from your programs in furthering our common objective. Given the slightly different format from previous years, this session will also be virtual. Presenters will have the opportunity to upload their poster in PDF format. OPAM Participants will have an opportunity to vote for posters throughout several days leading up to and during the 3-day meeting. The poster receiving the highest number of votes in each category will be announced during the closing ceremony. Please see below for additional details on competition guidelines and poster categories:
Competition and poster guidelines
- All poster submissions received via email will be reviewed by a designated committee who will inform successful applicants by email.
- Invited posters will then be available on the Exhibition Tab on the OPAM 2020 platform during the annual meeting and will be scored by all participants according to the categories and criteria listed below.
- Posters should be on PDF format and can cover a period from 2011, beginning of the Partnership to 2020.
- Presenters must be annual meeting participants who are registered to attend.
Poster categories
- Innovation Excellence: awarded to the poster demonstrating a creative, unconventional, or novel approach that has successfully increased access to or use of family planning and/or promotes inclusivity
- Social and Behavior Change Champion: awarded to the poster highlighting a success, best practice, or new finding that will contribute to improved future social and behavior change efforts across OP countries
- Youth or Religious Leaders Leadership: awarded to the poster exhibiting an impactful and sustainable family planning intervention led by or targeting youth and adolescents or religious leaders in OP countries
We look forward to receiving your poster submissions! To enter the competition, please send the following information to by Thursday December 3rd. Accepted posters will be announced by Monday December 7th and posted on the OPAM virtual Attendee Hub on Thursday December 10th:
- Author name(s)
- Organization
- Poster category
- Title and summary of your poster topic (max. 3 sentences)
Please do not hesitate to get in touch should you have any questions.